Cunoscutul browser web Google Chrome a introdus recent un tip de criptare la nivel de aplicație (app-bound) cu scopul de a întări apărarea împotriva atacurilor prin malware de tip infostealer și de a îmbunătăți protecția modulelor cookie și a parolelor pe sistemele...
Criminals have posted on the dark web a database containing data on 2.9 billion people, offering to sell it for $3.5 million, according to a lawsuit filed in Florida. Very few data breaches have the dubious honor of being among the largest in history. According to a...
U.S. and German authorities recently coordinated to shut down popular crypto wallet platform Cryptonator for its involvement in facilitating money laundering to threat actors. Joint Effort to Seize Cryptonator The shutdown was part of joint action by the US Department...
MaaS360 introduces new Skip Item panes in the Add Profile workflow of Device Enrollment Program (DEP). Administrators can customize the enrollment process by allowing users to skip the required panes.
HealthEquity, a healthcare benefits service provider in the US, disclosed a major data breach last month that affected over 4 million beneficiaries. The Utah-based health savings account (HSA) administrator says that all 4.3 million people impacted by the incident...
Option to skip setup of parameters during DEP Profile configuration