The details of more than 390 million VKontakte (VK) users have been leaked online, including full names, country of origin and even profile picture, according to an analysis by Hackread. VK is a social media platform similar to Facebook that’s very popular in Russia...
Fraud losses to Bitcoin ATMs have topped $65 million in just the first six months of 2024, increasing nearly 10-fold from 2020 to 2023, according to the US Federal Trade Commission. The FTC’s data spotlight shows a massive increase in the amount of money consumers...
The Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA) has imposed a fine of €30.5 million ($33 million) on US-based facial recognition company Clearview AI for collecting images without consent. Clearview AI Accused of Collecting Images Without User Consent DPA Chairman Aleid...
The internet we know and enjoy today would not be the same without the amazing content creators who entertain and educate viewers worldwide. Over the past decade, content creation has evolved from a hobby to a fully-fledged career for millions of individuals, with...
Temu has quickly become a go-to platform for millions of shoppers around the world. Since its launch in late 2022, the app has experienced explosive growth, now with over 167 million monthly active users []. Its appeal in the United...
În lumea noastră interconectată, este tot mai dificil să faci diferența dintre fraude și solicitările legitime. Deși măsurile de securitate împotriva infractorilor cibernetici s-au îmbunătățit, aceștia au devenit și mai vicleni, dezvoltând scheme complexe, care ar...