Ornikar, a popular online driving school booking platform in France, is warning customers of a security incident that compromised their personally identifiable information (PII). The French start-up began notifying impacted individuals last week and says that no...
The Russian justice system has sentenced four individuals linked to the prolific REvil ransomware operation. Russian news agency Kommersant said Friday that the St. Petersburg Garrison Military Court gave Artem Zayets, Aleksey Malozemov, Daniil Puzyrevsky and Ruslan...
APT29, a hacking group also known as Cozy Bear that's believed to work directly under Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), has been targeting industry and military in Ukraine by trying to impersonate Amazon Web Services (AWS). One of APT29's favorite tactics...
A US $10 million reward is being offered to anyone who has information about four members of an Iranian hacking group. The US government's Rewards for Justice initiative is making the reward available for information about four men believed to be members of Shahid...
Contrar presupunerii că amenintarile cibernetice vizează doar entitati mari, si firmele mici se găsesc adesea țintite de hackeri - mai ales cele cu practici de securitate inadecvate. O breșă poate duce la pierderi financiare, daune reputationale și consecințe legale....
Industria migrează treptat către digitalizare pe măsură ce progresele tehnologice devin coloana vertebrală a aproape fiecărui domeniu. Organizațiile din domeniul sănătății nu fac excepție, deoarece digitalizarea acestei industrii prin intermediul sistemelor de...