În fiecare an, în a treia zi de sâmbătă din luna septembrie, întreaga lume sărbătorește Software Freedom Day - SFD (Ziua libertății programelor). Acest eveniment global aduce în atenție importanța programelor gratuite și open-source (FOSS) și rolul acestora în a...
In our micro series, the Cybersecurity Grand Prix, we explore the thrill of Formula 1 racing while partnering with Scuderia Ferrari HP, giving you knowledge and tools to keep data safe in the race against cyber threats. In this episode, we explore tips to stay ahead...
In this episode of the Security Swarm Podcast, host Andy Syrewicze and guest Eric Siron provide a comprehensive monthly threat review. They cover several major cybersecurity incidents and trends from the past month, including: The massive... The post Data Broker...
The post Warning: The New Microsoft Planner Requires a New Backup Plan appeared first on Hornetsecurity – Next-Gen Microsoft 365 Security.
In einer überraschenden Wendung lässt Apple seinen uralten Rechtsstreit mit dem israelischen Spyware-Hersteller NSO Group fallen, um die von ihm entwickelten Bedrohungsdaten zur Bekämpfung von Spyware nicht offenlegen zu müssen. Wie ursprünglich von der Washington...
Crypto exchange Binance is warning crypto holders to watch out for malware designed to alter wallet addresses during transactions, leading to significant losses. “We have identified a global malware issue that is significantly impacting cryptocurrency transactions by...