The government of Ukraine imposed a ban on the Telegram messaging app being used on official devices belonging to government officials, military staff, and critical infrastructure workers, citing security fears. In an announcement [] on Friday,...
DevOps Course, Message Encryption, Clipboard Sync & More The post IT Pro Tuesday #320 appeared first on Hornetsecurity – Next-Gen Microsoft 365 Security.
The MAC randomization feature helps Android devices to use a randomized MAC address when connecting to a Wi-Fi network and increases the user privacy. Historically, devices use the factory MAC address to associate to a Wi-Fi network. The factory MAC address is...
IBM MaaS360 introduces a new feature to enhance the security and also reduces the costs for a shared device.
In 2016, with Android N (Nougat/7.0), a specialized environment called Direct Boot Mode was introduced by Google for the Android OS. When an Android-powered device is switched on, it boots in the Direct Boot Mode before the user unlocks it with their screen lock...
A recent report from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) highlights widespread surveillance practices by major social media and video-streaming companies, revealing how these platforms collect and monetize vast amounts of personal data, often without adequate...