Newly released transparency data from the Telegram messaging platform has revealed a sharp increase in the number of user data requests fulfilled over the past year. 404 Media initially reported on Telegram’s updated transparency report, which revealed a dramatic...
For modern businesses, the biggest risks aren’t physical anymore. A single cyber-incident can have devastating consequences, sometimes forcing a company to shut down completely. One safeguard is cyber insurance, which helps businesses recover from major financial...
Not too long ago, cybercriminals used to target big organizations like governments, hospitals, and universities—entities that couldn't afford downtime and were likely to pay a ransom. Today, however, 82% of ransomware attacks are aimed at small businesses. Why?...
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The post IT Pro Tuesday #333 appeared first on Hornetsecurity – Next-Gen Microsoft 365 Security.
A cybersecurity expert has unveiled a novel web attack technique that could pose significant risks to online account security. Emerging clickjacking threat The so-called “DoubleClickjacking” threat, discovered by researcher Paulos Yibelo, leverages user double-clicks...