Threat actors piggyback on Ross Ulbricht’s pardoning to spread malware via rogue Telegram captchas in a new malicious campaign spotted on X. New malicious campaign targets X and Telegram users Threat actors have been spotted using a deceitful tactic to trick users...
In a new malicious campaign targeting Apple product users, criminals are spreading malware by using fake Mac Homebrew ads on Google. Spreading malware through fake Homebrew ads Developer Ryan Chenkie spotted a malicious Google ads campaign targeting Mac users with...
The United States is sanctioning Chinese parties for their alleged involvement in high profile hacks on US organizations, including the recent attack on the Treasury Department. The US Treasury Department revealed in a press release that authorities know full well who...
The personal information of almost half a million people is now in the hands of hackers after a security breach of a company used by some of the world's best known hotel brands. Hotel management software provider Otelier boasts that more than 10,000 hotels - including...
Security experts discovered a new set of tunnel protocol vulnerabilities that could expose millions of devices to a broad range of cyberattacks. Tunneling packets used to hijack internet hosts According to the research, the issue revolves around internet hosts that...
A 15-year-old hacker gained access to a number of online portals in Italy, allowing him to alter the routes of oil tankers and other ships in the Mediterranean Sea. Most hackers today have financial goals as they try to compromise companies and other organizations,...