Twisting Truths: Unraveling the Tornado of Post-Disaster Scams

Nowadays, the aftermath of a tornado extends beyond the physical wreckage, ushering in a storm of digital threats that exploit vulnerability and chaos. As the debris settles, a less visible but equally perilous landscape emerges—a maelstrom of scams maliciously...

Winter Olympics 2024: How and Why Threat Actors Target the Games

In this episode of the Security Swarm podcast, host Andy is joined by Romain Basset from Hornetsecurity to discuss the cybersecurity implications of the upcoming 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, France. The conversation explores how the geopolitical landscape, with...

Phishing Scams: How to Identify and Avoid Them

The cybersecurity landscape is as complex as ever, with scammers employing advanced tools to prey on the sensitive information of companies and individuals alike. New challenges arise as we switch to the online world and adopt marvels in innovation such as AI...

Top 10 scam-uri pe TikTok pe care să le evitați

Pe măsură ce popularitatea platformei TikTok continuă să crească, crește și numărul de atacatori care folosesc platforma pentru a-și pune în joc scam-urile. Având în vedere că se estimează că baza uriașă de utilizatori TikTok va depăși cifra de 2,2 miliarde până în...