IT Pro Tuesday #310

Welcome back to IT Pro Tuesday! We’re looking for favorite tips and tools we can share with the community… those that help you do your job better and more easily. Please share your suggestions on the IT Pro Tuesday subreddit, and we’ll be featuring...

Alles über Phishing-Betrügereien

Die Cybersicherheitslandschaft ist so komplex wie eh und je. Betrüger setzen fortschrittliche Tools ein, um die sensiblen Daten von Unternehmen und Privatpersonen auszuspionieren. Mit der Umstellung auf die Online-Welt und der Einführung von Innovationen wie der...

200,000 Dallas County Residents Had Data Stolen in October Hack

Dallas County, Texas, has issued an update on its run-in with hackers, warning residents that their personal information may be at risk. Threat actors breached Dallas County systems in October 2023, making off with “certain information maintained by the County,”...

365 Total Backup – Microsoft Planner (coming soon)

Enhancements 365 Total Backup now supports an additional Microsoft 365 product, Microsoft Planner. The implementation will include backups of Microsoft Planner group plans in 365 Total Backup. A full restore feature will be available to restore all backed-up plans...