Enhancements Under Customer Settings > Mailboxes > Quarantine Report, administrators can now configure whether users will be able to activate or deactivate the infomail filter. In the Email Live Tracking module, now only users are able to mark emails as private....
Cambridge University researchers Nicholas Boucher and Ross Anderson have recently identified a critical vulnerability impacting the way source code is compiled. The flaw, dubbed “Trojan Source [https://trojansource.codes/trojan-source.pdf],” could let attackers inject...
If you’ve fallen victim for one of the numerous online threats on the web and want to find out what to do if you’ve been scammed online, you’re in the right place. Online, trust is currency, and while the majority of users have honest intentions, some exploit trust to...
Russian cybersecurity vendor Kaspersky has made the “sad and difficult decision” to wind down operations in the United States following the recent ban on the use of its products on US soil. The blockade – which Kaspersky claims is the result of geopolitical tensions...
Dacă crezi că 2021 a fost un an dificil pentru securitatea internauților, mai gândește-te. Hackerii tocmai au publicat cea mai mare compilație de parole furate de până acum, care conține mai exact un volum uluitor de 9,9 miliarde de parole, toate în format text. Ce...
Der Sommer ist in vollem Gange, und mit ihm kommen Entspannung, Reisen und die freie Natur. Die Sommermonate und ihre Aktivitäten zu genießen, bedeutet jedoch auch, dass wir unseren Fokus verlagern und unsere Wachsamkeit vernachlässigen und grundlegende...