In our interconnected world, scams are increasingly difficult to tell apart from legitimate requests. As security measures against digital wrongdoers have strengthened, their cunning has sharpened, leading to the creation of complex schemes that could deceive even the...
In today's digital world, sharing personal information is almost inevitable—but that doesn't mean you have to give away more than necessary. While privacy might seem like a lost cause, especially with advertisers and even your smart devices knowing so much about you,...
Ein Bedrohungsakteur hat angeblich die Anmeldedaten (Sozialversicherungsnummern und Passwörter) von über 60.369 Kontoinhabern der Caisse des Allocations Familiales (CAF) online veröffentlicht. Nach dem jüngsten Datenpatzer, der von dem Sicherheitsforscher Damien...
Ein Bedrohungsakteur hat angeblich die Anmeldedaten (Sozialversicherungsnummern und Passwörter) von über 60.369 Kontoinhabern der Caisse des Allocations Familiales (CAF) online veröffentlicht. Nach dem jüngsten Datenpatzer, der von dem Sicherheitsforscher Damien...
A threat actor has allegedly leaked the login information (Social Security Numbers and passwords) of over 60,369 Caisse des Allocations Familiales (CAF) account holders online. According to the latest data snafu, discovered...
Utilizarea unei soluții de securitate pentru dispozitivele mobile pare să fie o regulă general valabilă sau ar trebui să fie o regulă general valabilă, însă studiul nostru de piață arată că doar puțin mai mult de jumătate dintre respondenți au un software de...