As the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE®) Program celebrates its 25th anniversary, Bitdefender has reason to be especially proud of this global initiative. As a CVE Numbering Authority (CNA) for the past five years, Bitdefender is one of the organizations...
The Internet Archive is still suffering problems after the initial hack and DDoS attack, as the initial hacker still apparently has access to the organization's infrastructure. Proof of that was provided when the hackers answered questions using the internal ticketing...
Security researchers have uncovered a new flaw in some AI chatbots that could have allowed hackers to steal personal information from users. A group of researchers from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore...
Cybersecurity researchers have spotted a massive campaign targeting WordPress websites for use in pushing malicious plugins. Threat actors turned over 6,000 WordPress websites into malware peddlers. By leveraging rogue software updates and error messages, they...
Programul CVE® sărbătorește a 25-a aniversare, iar noi, cei de la Bitdefender, avem motive deosebite să ne mândrim cu această inițiativă globală. În rolul nostru de Autoritate de Numerotare CVE (CNA) din ultimii cinci ani, Bitdefender este una dintre organizațiile...
Siguranța ta online nu ar trebui lăsată la voia întâmplării; aceasta necesită formule clare și aplicate la timp pentru a-ți păstra datele în siguranță. De cele mai multe ori, securitatea cibernetică este ca matematica: aceasta implică rezolvarea unor necunoscute,...