Industria migrează treptat către digitalizare pe măsură ce progresele tehnologice devin coloana vertebrală a aproape fiecărui domeniu. Organizațiile din domeniul sănătății nu fac excepție, deoarece digitalizarea acestei industrii prin intermediul sistemelor de...
Industries are gradually migrating to digital-only environments as technological advancements steadily grow into the backbones of nearly every field. Healthcare organizations are no exception, as the digitalization of this industry through Electronic Health Record...
Pe măsură ce ne apropiem de sfârșitul lunii Octombrie, nu puteam lăsa această lună festivă să treacă fără a combina atmosfera înfricoșătoare a Halloween-ului cu importanța Lunii Conștientizării Securității Cibernetice. Între după-amiezi leneșe savurând un latte...
Speeding through airport security lines with TSA PreCheck is a welcome convenience for many travelers. However, scammers are also keenly aware of it, exploiting the demand for fast security screening by targeting travelers with phishing emails impersonating TSA...
Contrary to the common assumption that hackers only target large organizations, small firms often find themselves under attack with limited resources or inadequate security practices. A breach can result in financial loss, damage to reputation, and legal consequences....
This episode of the Security Swarm Podcast dives deep into the psychological landscape of cybersecurity, exploring the driving forces behind different threat actors. Host Andy Syrewicze welcomes first-time guest Angelica Ortega, Founder & CEO of... The post The...